How a pet can distract you while driving
Why you need to focus on Puerto Rico’s roads

How a pet can distract you while driving
When you have to drive somewhere with your pet, you risk a lot of distraction. Pets such as dogs or cats do not know any better and might be tempted to jump on you while you are in the middle of driving. This can be disastrous for you and has been in the past for many motorists. That is why you should take every precaution possible when you are driving with your pets, especially in Puerto Rico.
First and foremost, your pets should always ride in the backseat of the car. This way there is much less of a chance that they are able to make contact with you as you drive. If you have a pet small enough to fit in a pet carrier, you should put them in one. This will include cats and small dogs. If not, you should consider buying a barrier that will prevent larger dogs from slipping up front from the backseat.
Why you need to focus on Puerto Rico’s roads
Driving with a pet in your car without taking the correct safety precautions can be dangerous no matter where you are. But, driving in Puerto Rico with the risk of a major distraction has much more potential for danger than normal. This is because the casual attitude many drivers have in regards to basic traffic laws in Puerto Rico.
In Puerto Rico, you will frequently see other drivers going through red lights and stop signs. You will also see people doing things like turning right from the left lane and likely without even signaling. On top of that, there are frequently animals crossing the road. All of this makes driving more tricky and potentially dangerous in Puerto Rico.
Driving around with a pet in the car can be fun but it also can be dangerous because a pet can suddenly jump on you while you are driving and cause an accident. That is precisely why you should take the proper safety precautions such as keeping your pet in a pet carrier and/or keeping them in the backseat of the vehicle. This is particularly important in Puerto Rico where other drivers can be quite careless and dangerous with the way that they drive.
When you need your car shipped to or from Puerto Rico, let Puerto Rico Car Transport take the stress and worry out of the process for you. We can get any type of vehicle to Puerto Rico or the United States with minimal involvement from yourself. Call today for a free quote at (904) 322-7644.