Why you need these basic phrases when you are driving
Helpful phrases translated from Spanish to English
Helpful phrases translated from English to Spanish
Apps and websites that can help you with a translation
Final word

Why you need these basic phrases when you are driving
It can be overwhelming moving to or visiting a country where a language you don’t speak is the primary language used. This can also complicate things when you are driving and need help with something like directions.
Apps and websites on your phone can certainly help but you might not always have service to be able to access those. A language translation book can help too but it can take time to look up the exact words or phrase that you are looking for.
That is why we made this list, so you can print it out and keep it handy with you in your car.
Helpful phrases translated from Spanish to English
If you speak English and you are visiting or living in Puerto Rico, you should know some basic phrases in Spanish before you hit the road.
- Pardon me, I am lost – Por favor, estoy perdido
- Where is the closest gas station? – ¿Donde es la gasolinera la más cercana?
- I need directions – Necesito direcciones
- Where is the parking lot? – ¿Dónde está el estacionamiento?
- Can you show me on the map? – ¿Me puede mostrar en el mapa?
- What does that traffic sign say? – ¿Qué dice esa señal de tráfico?
- Where do I turn? – ¿Dónde giro?
- How can I get to the airport? – ¿Cómo llego al aeropuerto?
- I need help, my car broke down – Necesito ayuda, mi carro se averió
- Am I allowed to park here? – ¿Se me permite estacionar aquí?
- Thank you for the help – Gracias por la ayuda
Helpful phrases translated from English to Spanish
If you speak Spanish and you are visiting or living in the United States, you should know some basic phrases in English before you hit the road.
- Por favor, estoy perdido – Pardon me, I am lost
- ¿Donde es la gasolinera la más cercana? – Where is the closest gas station?
- Necesito direcciones – I need directions
- ¿Dónde está el estacionamiento? – Where is the parking lot?
- ¿Me puede mostrar en el mapa? – Can you show me on the map?
- ¿Qué dice esa señal de tráfico? – What does that traffic sign say?
- ¿Dónde giro? – Where do I turn?
- ¿Cómo llego al aeropuerto? – How do I get to the airport?
- Necesito ayuda, mi carro se averió – I need help, my car broke down
- ¿Se me permite estacionar aquí? – Am I allowed to park here?
- Gracias por la ayuda – Thank you for the help
Apps and websites that can help you with a translation
Once you have that list printed, you can rest assured that it is only a back-up just in case you do not have service on your phone. When you do have service, you can use the following app to translate Spanish to English or English to Spanish:
- Google Translate – Google Translate is likely the most popular translation app/website in the world right now. The app is very easy to use and includes translations of 103 languages and camera translation in almost 40 languages where you can take a picture of something and Google will scan and translate any text in the photo.
- iTranslate – iTranslate can translate 100 languages. The pro version of the app includes voice mode and conjugations for verbs.
- TripLingo – TripLingo is another widely popular app and has both a free version and a more extensive pro version. On top of the regular translations, this app includes a voice translator which will translate your voice into Spanish and an image translator too.
- SayHi – SayHi is a translation app where you speak into your phone and then a translation is transcribed which is displayed and played by audio.
Final word
You should always be ready to be able to communicate with locals if you are moving to or visiting Puerto Rico or the United States. Doing so can really help facilitate much more ease and comfort during your stay in one of those countries.