Taking things slow
Maximizing vision
Wrapping up

Taking things slow
Pulling out of a parking space in a crowded parking lot can be dangerous and very tense. This can especially be the case in areas like San Juan where aggressive driving is quite frequent. For this reason, you will want to take every precaution when you are pulling out of a parking space in Puerto Rico to ensure you do not get into an accident when you are doing so.
One of the most important parts of safely pulling out of a parking space will be to do so slowly and incrementally. When you pull out of a space too quickly whether you are pulling out head-out or backing out, you minimize possible reaction time which can be crucial when it comes to avoiding an accident. However, you are also not giving another car that might be driving by behind you enough time to see and react to you either. This combination can be disastrous. As a rule of thumb, you should pull out of a parking space only by putting your car into reverse (if you are backing out) and taking your foot off the brake but keeping it right over the brake just in case. If you are pulling head-out of a parking space, do the same but instead put the car into drive initially.
Maximizing vision
In order to be able to pull out of a parking space with the highest level of safety, you must maximize your ability to see oncoming cars, pedestrians and any other obstacles that might suddenly enter your car’s path. Maximizing your visibility as you pull out of a parking space will begin before you even start pulling out. If at all possible, you should always try to back into a space rather than pull head-in. Pulling out of a parking space head-out is much easier and safer than backing out is.
Prior to putting your car into gear to back out of a space, you should check in every direction for oncoming vehicles, pedestrians, and obstacles. After that, you should adjust your mirrors so that you have the maximum field of vision when you are using them relative to your specific size and posture. If you are backing out of a space, you should turn your head over your right shoulder, start pulling out and keep your head turned over your shoulder for the duration of pulling out of the spot.
Wrapping up
Pulling out of a parking space can always be dangerous, especially when your ability to see oncoming cars or pedestrians is limited because of vehicles to either side. In order to pull out of a space with the most safety, you should park head-out whenever you can because pulling head-out of a space is always safer than backing out due to the ease of visibility. Regardless of how you are parked, you should always scan around you for any potential obstacles before you even start pulling out. When you are pulling out, stay focused on the task at hand. If you are backing out, then you must always keep your head turned over your right shoulder at all times.