Recent Puerto Rico Shipping News

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Taking things slow
Maximizing vision
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Taking things slow

Pulling out of a parking space in a crowded parking lot can be dangerous and very tense. This can especially be the case in areas like San Juan where aggressive driving is quite frequent. For this reason, you will want to take every precaution when you are pulling out of a parking space in Puerto Rico to ensure you do not get into an accident when you are doing so.

One of the most important parts of safely pulling out of a parking space will be to do so slowly and incrementally. When you pull out of a space too quickly whether you are pulling out head-out or backing out, you minimize possible reaction time which can be crucial when it comes to avoiding an accident. However, you are also not giving another car that might be driving by behind you enough time to see and react to you either. This combination can be disastrous. As a rule of thumb, you should pull out of a parking space only by putting your car into reverse (if you are backing out) and taking your foot off the brake but keeping it right over the brake just in case. If you are pulling head-out of a parking space, do the same but instead put the car into drive initially.

Maximizing vision

In order to be able to pull out of a parking space with the highest level of safety, you must maximize your ability to see oncoming cars, pedestrians and any other obstacles that might suddenly enter your car’s path. Maximizing your visibility as you pull out of a parking space will begin before you even start pulling out. If at all possible, you should always try to back into a space rather than pull head-in. Pulling out of a parking space head-out is much easier and safer than backing out is.

Prior to putting your car into gear to back out of a space, you should check in every direction for oncoming vehicles, pedestrians, and obstacles. After that, you should adjust your mirrors so that you have the maximum field of vision when you are using them relative to your specific size and posture. If you are backing out of a space, you should turn your head over your right shoulder, start pulling out and keep your head turned over your shoulder for the duration of pulling out of the spot.

Wrapping up

Pulling out of a parking space can always be dangerous, especially when your ability to see oncoming cars or pedestrians is limited because of vehicles to either side. In order to pull out of a space with the most safety, you should park head-out whenever you can because pulling head-out of a space is always safer than backing out due to the ease of visibility. Regardless of how you are parked, you should always scan around you for any potential obstacles before you even start pulling out. When you are pulling out, stay focused on the task at hand. If you are backing out, then you must always keep your head turned over your right shoulder at all times.

Posted in: Car shipment

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The kinds of vehicles that are considered oversized
What is different about oversized vehicle shipping
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The kinds of vehicles that are considered oversized

With Puerto Rico Car Transport, you can ship almost any type of vehicle to Puerto Rico including those that are oversized. “Oversized vehicles” do not just include much larger passenger vehicles such as Hummers, but they also include vehicles like RVs, vans, heavy equipment including tractors, limousines and more.

Typically, there are specific size and weight dimensions that can not be exceeded in order to ship on a regular open-air car carrier. If these dimensions do get exceeded, the local nationwide pickup of your vehicle will need to occur with a flatbed trailer that has the capability to transport a much larger vehicle safely and securely.

What is different about oversized vehicle shipping

There are several aspects of shipping an oversized vehicle that will be different than shipping a regular passenger car. As we mentioned, shipping an oversized vehicle will occur on a flatbed trailer. Oversized vehicle shipping will likely also cost more and take a bit longer.

The preparation for oversized vehicle shipping could also take you longer. Part of the preparation for shipping any type of vehicle whether it is a normal sized car, a large RV or something else will be to make sure that the exterior of the vehicle is clean so that a visual inspection by your driver for preexisting damage can take place. If you are shipping a normal car, you can easily clean the outside of your car yourself or you can simply take it to a car wash. When you are shipping a larger vehicle such as an RV or a tractor, you likely will have no choice but to wash it yourself. Washing a larger vehicle like an RV can take several hours rather than just a half hour that washing a normal car would take.

You will likely also pay a bit more in excise tax as well as in any applicable storage fees at the port for your oversized vehicle once it arrives in Puerto Rico. Finally, your vehicle likely will not be able to travel on the cargo ships that transport typical passenger cars oversea between the United States in Puerto Rico. It is likely that your oversized vehicle gets shipped on a cargo ship that has special space and capability to carry vehicles such as RVs. In the case of vehicles that cannot be safely driven onto to a Ro/Ro cargo ship, such as with a crane or some tractors, they will be placed in large shipping containers and shipped on a regular cargo ship carrying other shipping containers.

Wrapping up

You can ship just about any type of vehicle to Puerto Rico with relative ease. If you are shipping a larger vehicle like a tractor, then it will likely cost a bit more to ship than if you were shipping a regular passenger car. The preparation for a shipment like this can take a bit longer as well but it is still the cheapest and quickest way to get a vehicle such as an RV to Puerto Rico from the United States.

Posted in: Car shipment

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Basics about off-roading in Puerto Rico
The best spots to go off-roading in Puerto Rico
Tips for off-roading


Basics about off-roading in Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico is a great place for off-roading with lots of great scenery such as beaches, mountains and forests. There are several spots that are preferable for off-roading on the island which we will get into detail about below.

The best spots to go off-roading in Puerto Rico

There are a bunch of spots in Puerto Rico where you can technically take your car off-road, but some spots are better than others. These are the best places in Puerto Rico to go off-roading:

  • El Yunque Rainforest – Likely the most famous place in Puerto Rico to go off-road, El Yunque rainforest has amazing views, lots of lush green scenery, wildlife and more. It is a must-not-miss stop for off-roading.
  • Carite Forest – Carite Forest is another fantastic place for off-roading in Puerto Rico. It has waterfalls, camp sites and a bunch of gorgeous views. You’ll definitely want to take the Jeep for a spin here.
  • Toro Negro – Toro Negro is considered a less popular alternative to El Yunque National Rainforest because it offers much of the same scenery and sight-seeing that El Yunque does.


Tips for off-roading

Before you head out to go off-roading in Puerto Rico, read these tips:

  • You have to bring your own car – If you are going to go off-roading in Puerto Rico, you will need to take your own vehicle. This means you cannot rent a car and go off-roading. Rental car companies in Puerto Rico always have clauses in their rental agreements that forbid you from taking the car off-road. So, technically, you could take a rental car off-roading in Puerto Rico but you would be fully responsible for any damage that occurs which is a distinct possibility since off-roading is so unpredictable. You should always use your own car in Puerto Rico to avoid a tough situation with the rental car companies. If you live in Puerto Rico and need your car shipped there, you can always contact us.
  • Perform the right checks – Be sure that you perform the right checks on your vehicle before you take it off-road. These checks include things like wiper fluid, tire pressure, oil and more. You can always have a mechanic perform a once-over for you too if you do not trust yourself to do these.
  • Bring someone else – If you end up getting stuck when you are out off-roading, life will be a lot easier if you have a buddy with you. If you end up with an issue like a flat, having an extra person there can really be helpful.
  • Do not take unnecessary risks – It is quite easy to end up getting stuck when you are off-roading. There are so many things that can go wrong. So, taking a risk that you should not is not a smart decision. For example, be weary of water crossings unless you are a hundred percent certain that you can make it across without being swept away.
  • Plan ahead – Make sure that you plan ahead so that you are ready for things such as sudden inclement weather.



Off-roading in Puerto Rico is a great way to spend some of your time there. You can really experience the most beautiful parts of Puerto Rico when you go off-roading there. One of the most important things to remember is that you can only go off-roading in Puerto Rico with your own car, not with a rental. So, be sure that you have your car there.

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How far to park from the curb
How you can avoid hitting the curb or parking too far away
Final Word


How far to park from the curb

When you have a car in Puerto Rico, you will find that if you drive in a city area like San Juan or Bayamon, you will often need to park your car on the street. This means that you will need to know what the optimal distance to park from the curb will be.

Parking too far away from the curb can result in your car being sideswiped as other drivers pass you or you can even get a ticket for impeding traffic. On the other hand, if you park too close to the curb, you risk hitting it which can damage your tires and rims. You should park at least 6 inches away from the curb, but no more than 12 inches from the curb.

How you can avoid hitting the curb or parking to far away

If you find it difficult to eyeball or sense how far you are parking from a curb, there are a few tricks that will help you park the right distance away from the curb with ease. First, you can always check out a car parked in front of you or behind you that seems to be the correct distance from the curb and line your car up perfectly with one of those vehicles as you park. You can also just do your best, get out and check and then get back in your car and readjust if necessary.

You also have the option of going to an auto parts store like AutoZone and purchasing what are called “curb feelers.” Curb feelers are long flexible metal extensions that extend out from the bottom of the side of your car. They are springy and will vibrate if contacted by the curb which will produce a sound letting you know that you are parked to close to the curb.

Final Word

Parking the correct distance away from the curb in Puerto Rico is important because it will prevent you from getting a ticket or being sideswiped but it will also prevent you from damaging your tires or rims if you hit the curb when parking. In order to avoid hitting the curb when you are parking your car, you should always take it nice and slow when you park. In order to be the optimal distance from the curb, try to line your car up with a car in front of or behind you that is parked the right distance from the curb or you can purchasse and install curb feelers on the side of your car in order to alert you if you are too close to the curb. If you have any questions about shipping a car to Puerto Rico or want a free quote, you can call us at (904) 322-7644!

Posted in: Car shipment

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How to drive around a pothole
How to drive over a pothole
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How to drive around a pothole

Potholes occur when water erodes the base away under the pavement which when combined with an older age of the pavement and/or potentially careless construction, makes it even easier for a pothole to occur. Because of this, potholes are unfortunately a fairly frequent occurrence in Puerto Rico.

After three hurricanes and two tropical storms in the last three years in Puerto Rico, the roads have suffered severe water damage and cracks, which only get worse when left unrepaired with traffic constantly driving over the damage. Thus, you have potholes on many roads. There has been an effort to repair the potholes in recent years but there are unfortunately still many remaining.

Driving around a pothole in Puerto Rico is not as difficult as it might sound as long as you stay focused on the road ahead and you do not drive too quickly. Driving too fast dramatically decreases your reaction time to any obstacle in the road ahead, not just potholes. You also should keep a larger than normal distance between your car and the car in front of you. Doing so will allow you to see any potholes sooner which will provide you with a maximum amount of reaction time.

You also should do your absolute best to avoid driving over any puddles. Puddles often form in potholes yet give the appearance of either flat pavement underneath or that of a much smaller pothole. Finally, try to avoid driving on any roads you know or notice are very old and/or in visible states of disrepair as these are breeding grounds for potholes.

How to drive over a pothole

If you have no choice but to drive over a pothole because the road you are on is too narrow or because there is traffic in your proximity that will prevent you from maneuvering safely around it, you should do everything in your power to minimize any potential damage. A great start will be to be sure that you have your tires properly inflated. You can check your vehicle’s owner manual to see what the exact pressure specifications are for your particular tires. You should also keep your hands firmly secured to the steering wheel because when you do drive over the pothole, your car will get a jolt which can cause your hands to come off the steering wheel which can cause a momentary loss of control over the vehicle.

You should also avoid trying to brake suddenly. Braking right before you hit a pothole can end up causing more damage than if you had just driven over the pothole normally. This is because when you are engaging your brakes, you are actually limiting the ability of your shock absorbers and suspension in a significant way. Rather, you should take your foot off of the acceleration as soon as you see that you will be hitting a pothole. This will minimize the overall impact and any damage from it as well as preserve the protective function of your suspension and shocks during the moment of impact.

Wrapping up

Potholes can cause a ton of damage to your vehicle which can cost you hundreds or even thousands of dollars to repair. That is why you will want to do whatever you can to avoid driving over potholes or at least you will want to minimize the damage if you do. Always avoid speeding, keep extra distance between the car in front of you and your vehicle, do not brake if you have no choice but to drive over a pothole and always keep your tires properly inflated.

Posted in: Car shipment

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What kind of car are you shipping?
Where are you shipping your vehicle from?
When are you shipping your car to Puerto Rico?
Other things to consider
The cost of shipping a car to Puerto Rico



What kind of car are you shipping?

The cost of shipping your car anywhere will always vary depending on several different factors. One of which is the specific type of car that you are shipping. Shipping your car to Puerto Rico is no exception.

Larger vehicles cost more to ship because they weigh more which puts more of a cost burden on the carrier because the additional weight causes them to burn more fuel during the trip. Larger vehicles are also generally harder to maneuver and require more work to get on and off the carrier without any damage thus more time is needed.

Where are you shipping your vehicle from?

If you choose the door-to-port option, which many people do, then the distance from your pick-up location to the port will also play a large role determining the price of your auto shipment.

Puerto Rico Car Transport ships vehicles to the San Juan port in Puerto Rico from two main ports in the United States: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and Jacksonville, Florida. If you drop your car off at one of those ports yourself, you could save some money on the cost of ground shipping for your car. However, door-to-port shipping is much more convenient, so you will need to make a decision about which option is best for you.

Simply put, the further you are shipping your vehicle, the higher the cost to ship will end up being.

When are you shipping your car to Puerto Rico?

The time of year that you are shipping your car to Puerto Rico will be a significant factor in the final price of your shipment. Generally, if you ship in the summer, the price will be higher. This is because fuel prices are higher and so is the demand for auto transport. Although, if you ship in the winter months, your shipment will likely be cheaper, but it could also take longer because much of the country will have some hard-to-navigate snowy roads.

The price will also be affected by how soon after you book you need your car to be shipped. If it is extremely soon, your price will be higher because it will be more difficult to find an open space on a carrier in your area going that route and the demand for open spaces will be higher. Always try to plan as far in advanced as you can so you will be able to avoid any additional costs to ship. It is recommended that you schedule your car shipment at least four weeks in advance.

Other things to consider

The cost of shipping your car in quotes given to you by Puerto Rico Car Transport or any other car shipping company does include sales and state taxes. However, it does not include the applicable taxes that you will incur once you arrive at the port in Puerto Rico to pick up your car. This is because it is not possible for an auto transport company to pay this on your behalf.

You will need to pay something known as “excise tax.” You can read more about Puerto Rico’s excise tax here.

The cost of shipping a car to Puerto Rico

The following estimated shipping costs were calculated in March 2024 for a shipment being picked up exactly a month later in April 2024. The car used for all the quotes was a 2020 Nisan Altima. All of these rates are for door-to-port shipments.

**Please be aware, these prices are subject to change at any time and often do because there are multiple frequently changing variables involved as previously mentioned.**

  • New York, NY to San Juan – $2,315
  • Los Angeles to San Juan – $2,525
  • Atlanta to San Juan – $1,795
  • Miami to San Juan – $1,725
  • Denver to San Juan – $2,395
  • Dallas to San Juan – $2,105
  • Chicago to San Juan – $2,205
  • Boston to San Juan – $2,445


How long does it take to ship a car to Puerto Rico?

The following estimated shipping durations were calculated in March 2024 for a shipment being picked up exactly a month later in April 2024. The car used for all the quotes was a 2020 Nisan Altima. All of these transit times are for door-to-port shipment.

  • New York, NY to San Juan – between 2 and 3 weeks
  • Los Angeles to San Juan – approximately 3 weeks
  • Atlanta to San Juan – approximately 2 weeks
  • Miami to San Juan – approximately 2 weeks
  • Denver to San Juan – approximately 2 weeks
  • Dallas to San Juan – approximately 2 weeks
  • Chicago to San Juan – between 2 and 3 weeks
  • Boston to San Juan – between 2 and 3 weeks



For most cars from most areas in the United States, shipping your car to Puerto Rico will cost you between $1,500 and $3,000. However, that number fluctuates throughout the year as the seasons change, gas prices change, carrier availability changes etc.

However, you can always get a free quote from reputable car shipping companies like Puerto Rico Car Transport. This way, you can always be up to date on what your car shipment might end up costing you at a particular time of the year.

Posted in: Car shipment

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Tire pressure basics
The effect of warm weather on tire pressure
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Tire pressure basics

Your car’s tire pressure is much more important than just inflating your tires enough to roll. The pressure inside of your tires supports the weight of your vehicle so that maneuverability can be maximized. When your tires are not properly inflated to their recommended levels, you will be sacrificing maneuverability which translates to less overall control over your car. Obviously, no one wants less control over their vehicle as they drive since that would mean less safety.

Most car tires should be inflated between 32 psi and 35 psi. Some tires can function well enough with a bit more pressure than that, but it is not recommended to put any more than 40 psi in your tire. Anything less than 30 psi will typically be considered underinflated. If your tire is underinflated, you should immediately add more air to it because that is where you start sacrificing maneuverability.

It is also important to note that over-inflation of your tires is dangerous as well. Over-inflated tires can lead to less traction on the road, less overall stability and even a blowout. A blowout is when your tire suddenly bursts which will cause you to lose a very significant amount of control over your car which is very dangerous especially at higher speeds.

In order to avoid any negative effects from improperly inflated tires, whether underinflated or overinflated, you should ensure that you check your tire pressure on a regular basis. We recommend that you check the pressure of each of the tires on your vehicle at least twice a month. All you will need for this is a simple tire gauge. In order to check tire pressure, you can:

  1. Remove the cap from your tire’s valve stem
  2. Press the opening of the tire gauge against the opening of the valve stem for just one or two seconds
  3. At this point, the inner part of your tire gauge should have popped out, revealing the level of air pressure in your tire
  4. If your tire pressure is under 30 psi or over 40 psi, you should make the necessary adjustments in order to get the pressure into that range as soon as possible


The effect of warm weather on tire pressure

The temperature outside will actually have a significant effect on the pressure level in your tires. Cold weather will cause the pressure in your tires to drop. This is because cold air causes the air in your tire to condense, which leads to that air taking up less space which causes less pressure within the tire. Warm air also will affect your tire pressure but in the opposite way.

Warm air will cause the air in your tire to take up more space thus increasing overall pressure. As a general rule of thumb, for every ten degree change in temperature, your tire pressure will change by 1 psi. So, if the temperature increases by twenty degrees, your tire pressure will increase by 2 psi (this is making the assumption that there are no leaks in your tire).

So, in Puerto Rico, where the temperature typically ranges between 60- and 90-degrees Fahrenheit each year, you may actually want to leave slightly less air in your tires if you are expecting a significant temperature jump. For example, if you are filling your tire with air on Monday and it is 75 degrees out but on Wednesday and beyond the temperature is expected to be 90 degrees, you might want to consider only filling your tire to 30-34 psi to account for what will probably be 1 or 2 extra psi of pressure within your tire later in the week. Just be sure that your tire pressure does not exceed 40 psi at any point.

Wrapping up

The air pressure in your tires is quite important. It plays a very significant role in your ability to handle your car with ease and maximum safety. Having tire pressure that is too low or too high will lead to underinflated or overinflated tires, either of which can cause significant issues with maneuverability, traction and overall safety. The best range for tire pressure with the majority of tires and vehicles is between 32 and 35 psi. Slightly more or less is not problematic but a larger difference in pressure can be. Puerto Rico’s warm weather can cause increased tire pressure when the weather gets hotter rapidly. Take that into consideration when monitoring your tire pressure in Puerto Rico.

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Driving in fog
Driving in rain
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Driving in fog

Puerto Rico does not have a lot of fog but it does occur there occasionally. This can make driving in the fog more treacherous because yourself and other drivers likely will not have much experience driving in foggy conditions when they do occur. That’s why it benefits you to know how to keep safety at a maximum when you drive through the fog in Puerto Rico. So, in order to keep things safe when driving through the fog in Puerto Rico:

  1. Maximize your ability to see through your windshield by using your windshield wipers and defoggers simultaneously.
  2. Do not follow another vehicle too close or even at a normal distance. Give yourself extra space between your car and the car that is front of you. It can be much harder to judge distances in foggy conditions, especially at night.
  3. Use fog lights if you happen to have them. If you do not, just make sure that your regular headlights are on. Do not use your brights because they can cause a reflection on the fog ahead which can reduce visibility even further and they can also momentarily blind other drivers on the opposite side of traffic.
  4. Stay out of the left lane and drive at least a few miles under the speed limit for that posted road.
  5. Do your best not to do anything sudden like stopping-short or turning without signaling.


Driving in rain

Driving in the rain can be more dangerous than driving in foggy conditions because on top of decreasing visibility the rain will decrease maneuverability as well.

  • Keep your windshield wipers on at the appropriate speed depending on the severity of the rain as you are driving. Keeping them on at a speed which is too slow or too fast can both negatively impact your ability to see out of your windshield.
  • Being properly prepared for driving in the rain will help increase your overall visibility. You can do this by replacing your windshield wiper blades every six to nine months. You should also ensure that you keep your windshield clean at all times in order to get the most out of your wiper blades.
  • Rainy weather can also easily cause your windshield to fog up. To prevent this, you should use an anti-fog spray on the inside of your windshield. If you are driving through the rain and your windshield has already begun to fog up, you can react by using your defoggers.
  • You can minimize the amount of rain water that sticks to your windshield by using rain-repellent products on the outside of your windshield to help rainwater bead and roll off.
  • Finally, ensure that you stay as visible as possible in the rain in Puerto Rico as well. Always turn your headlights on, not only when it is raining but in any overcast or potentially rainy situations.
  • In addition to maximizing visibility, always be ready for the rain with all-weather tires. These tires have much better treads on them which are much more suitable for gripping the road and giving you the right amount of traction in slippery road conditions.


Wrapping up

Fortunately, you will not have to drive in low visibility conditions in Puerto Rico often at all. Fog is rare, and it rains a bit less there than many places. However, this means that other drivers will not have much experience driving in these conditions and you likely will not either. So, it is best to be prepared to drive in low visibility conditions no matter what. Always use your headlights in low visibility, if your window fogs up use your windshield wipers in conjunction with your defoggers to lessen or eliminate the effect, replace your wiper blades when appropriate and always drive slowly with extra space in front of you.

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How defensive driving keeps you safe
How defensive driving affects insurance
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How defensive driving keeps you safe

Puerto Rico can be a dangerous place to drive sometimes. Drivers can typically be quite aggressive which can cause accidents or lead to very dangerous situations. Often, you will see other motorists in Puerto Rico speeding, changing lanes without warning, stopping in the middle of a road and more. In order to alleviate some of the potential dangers of driving in Puerto Rico, you should consider taking a defensive driving course.

A driver who drives defensively will be much safer than a typical driver for a multitude of reasons. In general, they will actively be much more aware of their surroundings. Defensive driving teaches people that you need to be consistently scanning for hazards and potential danger in all directions in their proximity. Defensive driving also teaches drivers to:

  • Drop the distractions – Defensive driving will impart the importance of not driving while distracted by a cell phone or anything else. People taking the course will learn that distracted driving can momentarily stop a driver’s ability to react to a potential hazard.
  • Take extreme caution at intersections – Intersections can be a tremendous danger if other drivers are not taking the proper caution when they are passing though. By paying extremely close attention when they are passing through a defensive driver will be able to successfully mitigate any risks.
  • Give space – A defensive driving course will educate drivers about the high importance of giving other drivers the correct amount of space at various speeds. Leaving the proper amount of space between you and the driver in front of you will allow you the proper stopping distance as well as the necessary reaction time in case something sudden or unexpected occurs.
  • Always use a seatbelt – Always using your seatbelt is something that can definitely be the difference between life and death in the case of a car accident. Wearing a seatbelt can reduce your chance of dying in a car accident by nearly 50%.


How defensive driving affects insurance

Defensive driving will not only make it safer when you are driving but it can also help lower your insurance rates for several years to come. Typically, successfully completing a defensive driving course can decrease your car insurance payment by 10% for a period of three years. This could be different depending on the specific type of automotive insurance that you have.

The reason that completing a defensive driving course could decrease your car insurance rates is that car insurance companies look at a driver who is driving defensively as much less of a risk. Hence, they believe that you will be much easier to insure overall. They also do this in order to incentivize other drivers to also take defensive driving courses because it will force them to learn to drive less dangerously.

Wrapping up

Taking a defensive driving course in Puerto Rico will provide you much more safety when you are out on the road. It will also help lower your car insurance rates by a significant percentage each and every month for several years. If you need a car transported to or from the port at San Juan in Puerto Rico, give our vehicle logistics experts a call at (904) 322-7644!

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What is the zipper merge?
Proper technique
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What is the zipper merge?

The “zipper merge” is a driving technique that is used when you are entering a highway or road without a traffic light or set of stop signs that has slow moving or bumper to bumper traffic. This technique alleviates further congestion and general slowdowns considerably. Much like its name intends, the zipper method is meant to be thought of as a zipper, which each piece from each side alternating all the way up eventually forming a completed zipper.

The zipper merge is not to be confused with another merging technique known as the “early merge.” The early merge is when people see cars from an on-ramp merging ahead of them and try to move an additional lane to the left in order to avoid having to deal with being a part of the zipper technique up ahead. The early merge also occurs when there is a lane closure up ahead and instead of using the zipper technique, drivers choose to try and early merge into a lane next to them that will not be closed ahead.

To be clear, the early merge is never an effective technique in terms of alleviating traffic congestion. In most cases it actually makes the congestion worse because most of the line of traffic ends up stopping at nearly the same time in order to let one or more of the early mergers in ahead of them. Even on an induvial basis, you are not saving any time yourself. Overall benefits of effective use of the zipper technique include less overall traffic congestion, traffic backups possibly being reduced by almost half, it keeps both lanes moving forward at about the same overall pace and both the lane being merged into and the lane being merged from end moving at much closer speeds which fosters much safer merging.

Proper technique

The way that the zipper merge works is that one car on the road being merged onto will allow one vehicle margining onto that road to merge in front of them and then continue forward. This will continue until traffic becomes much less congested on that road. The issue with the zipper merge is that some people will not abide by it which causes issues for almost everyone on that road.

Not abiding by the zipper technique can mean either a car already on that road refuses to let even one car merge or if multiple cars attempt to merge in front of one car at once. When this lack of cooperation occurs, it can completely diminish the effectiveness of the zipper method which will maximize delays in traffic for everyone on that road.

Wrapping up

The zipper merge is an extremely useful driving method used in communal fashion to lessen delays during heavy traffic congestion. So long as everyone does their part and abides by the method of the technique, it is quite effective. However, that is unfortunately often not the case. Aggressive drivers have been known not to let even one other driver in and, conversely, aggressive drivers have been known to attempt to merge directly behind another car that has just merged which ruins the concept of the “zipper.”

Posted in: Car shipment