Road Rage in Puerto Rico

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The dangers of road rage
How to avoid road rage
Wrapping up


The dangers of road rage

Road rage is an extremely dangerous and unfortunate occurrence, but it is something that happens from time to time. These incidents can lead to property damage (primarily to your vehicle), injury or even death. There will almost always be an opportunity to avoid these situations one way or another, so we recommend that you do what is ever in your power to always do so.

In the last decade, road rage incidents have increased by over five hundred percent and there is no sign of that growth slowing down anytime soon. On average, over a third of road rage incidents involve a firearm. Over thirty people die each year in road rage altercations. Finally, in 2019, four out of five people surveyed admitted they had been involved in a road rage incident in the past year. With all of these horrifying statistics, it is easy to see how crucial it is for your safety and the safety of your passengers that you be able to avoid these incidents.

How to avoid road rage

Thankfully there are some extremely effective ways to avoid both experiencing road rage as well as to avoid others who are experiencing road rage. This will start by completely avoiding driving aggressively in any way. This will include not driving over the speed limit, not driving too closely behind anyone else, avoiding changing lanes too quickly and/or without warning/signaling and not using your horn excessively.

You should also make being polite to other drivers a permanent habit. This means doing things like waving people on at an intersection or letting someone in who is attempting to merge into your lane. Another great way to side-step road rage is to train yourself to calm down quickly when someone has done something improper in traffic to you like cut you off or stop short in front of you. One effective technique for this is to take a series of deep breaths and/or pull over until you are calm again. Finally, if you notice someone else driving aggressively near you, do your best to keep your distance from them and always let them pass you with ease, making a point is never worth it when it comes to potential road rage.

Wrapping up

Road rage is always completely unnecessary and entirely avoidable. The costs of road rage can be extreme and even grave in nature. In order to avoid any possible road rage incidents, you should drive carefully, without excessive speed, without driving too closely, give proper signal before changing lanes and always be polite to other drivers. If you feel road rage coming on, take some deep breaths or pull over. Finally, if you see someone driving aggressively, stay away from them.

Category: Car shipment.